I thought for my newest blog I would talk about my thoughts rather than what is happening in my life. Two things are on my mind recently; the society I am president of and the society we live in. I am not sure if everyone knows about this but recently Sonia Burgess, 63, was pushed in front of an oncoming tube train during rush hour and no one, as of yet, can say why. She was a human rights lawyer and also a Trans women (born male but chose her gender as female). This happens just weeks after a spout of American gay teenagers commit suicide. It just makes me wonder what is wrong with the society we live in....
On a lighter note I am trying to build up the reputation of our university’s LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans) society and promote equality within our union and across the university. I do realise that while our university is great on equalities and providing equal chances many students are ill educated and intolerant of LGBT students. It’s why I am going to be launching a series of posters and advertising campaigns to tackle this. I think in this day and age it’s important for people to be true to themselves and be respected for that!
So this blog has been more of a reflection which I seem to be doing more and more lately. I think it’s because when I realised I am in the third year I stopped and thought “I got to grow up!” Yes I am immature but as Chili Davis once said “Growing old is mandatory ~ Growing up is optional!”
Daniel Lernihan