Well this week’s blog has to be really amazing to boost my statistics so I have been working on ways to astound you all. My first attempt was to write a witty and intellectual piece of creative, humorous writing but I have nothing clever and funny to say. I then went for the philosophical approach and began to write a thoughtful piece of the modern world but it turned into “Isn’t bizarre that sheep don’t shrink in the rain...”
It seems I have become too serious and stressed out to be creative anymore. Anyway this week I have not been feeling too good. I am not sure if it’s the cold weather, the stress or just general bugs floating around but I don’t feel well and now I am half deaf in my left ear which I think is a sign I need to go to the doctors. Although I hate doctors as they fill me with fear because I usually go in there with a cold and come out with pneumonia! Ok maybe not that bad but you got to wonder why the doctors building is called a practice. I mean who are they practicing on?
I think the easiest way to describe the game would be the old board game (a piece of cardboard supplied with dice and imagination that existed in the prehistoric times of pre-computer!!!) Dungeons and Dragons. This is because it feeds off the idea that the adventure starts with a mage, rogue or warrior and they have to battle mythical creatures to defeat the evil enemy. But it really is a great concept in that what you do causes a ripple effect in the game which can impact how the game will end or how you play. Either way the graphics look amazing and it satisfies my inner nerd.
Also before I end this blog I also want to say to all you potential students that university is a great opportunity not just because you can study something that really grabs your interest but you meet some great people. I have to say I have found that university has given some amazing friends! I say that as friends are the people that get you through life!