
Wednesday, 9 February 2011

So much to do, so little time...

So what has been happening in my world? Well since I last blogged I have been on holiday, submitted another coursework, helping out the Student Union society and watching lots of TV! I have noticed that I am watching more TV recently and it’s mainly the news! If you know me you will know I never watch the news if it’s early in the morning I prefer to watch the cartoons on the other side than watch the news. I may want to watch it more if they had to sing it or maybe just added something so it wasn’t all doom and gloom. However I have been watching it as there are a number of important things going on recently. I have been particularly worried about all the natural disasters in Australia because my aunt lives there and I also have been concerned about the protesters in Egypt. I am not sure if you saw but basically there a lot of people fighting to be heard and fighting for what they believe in but they are getting hurt in the violent action that is taking place. Although I have found this image which is circulating all over the internet which shows Christian followers protecting their fellow Muslim protesters while they pray.

Now back to university. So my sound design course has become a lot more interesting in that we are now doing more practical work as we have covered all the theoretical side now. So the first week back we were challenged to convey emotion through the sound of our voices. However there was one tiny little catch; we had to pretend we were Yeti’s (mythological creature which looks like a mix of sloth and a bear). I can tell you that was the most embarrassed I have been in a long while! Then last week we had to go out and record sounds that occur naturally and then manipulate the sounds to represent objects (such as swinging doors and a water mill). That was also embarrassing as we got some bad looks after we rattled the park swing and all three us of us went into a toilet! It was to get the sounds of a rattling chain and the sound of dripping water but I suppose it’s not too obvious to onlookers!

Also if you are studying a course in the CMS department you may have realised the intranet is useless when you need to find something! What happened was we had a great little system but then it grew and grew and grew. So in the end it was like a 21 year old trying to fit into the clothes of a child! So as part of my course we have been tasked to re-invent our intranet and then the CMS managers will meet and decide if one of our designs will be the new intranet! So lots of things are happening around university and I am glad I got my holiday (went to Paris for a weekend) in early as I can see there will be a lot of stress ahead but hey graduation is soon!

Also before ending my blog see the below picture (An old lady tries to stop robbers with sledgehammers with her handbag!!!):

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