Anyway the idea of the degree show is to promote what we have learnt, what we have discovered and what we are capable of. To do this we need a big display because we technology students love to show off and we can’t show off without lots of colours and a big show to boot. So we get three A1 boards and desk space to turn into a show stopping show-reel of super erm… well creative work we have produced. Some have opted to print out their work but in much larger scales while others have implemented a theme.
For my group work we had to make a game and ours has become known as “RABBIT RESCUE”…. Yeah we kinda ran out of juice on the name but it is a good little game that surprisingly took a lot of work to complete. As it’s a rabbit game we’re going all out on the rabbit idea even so far as to attach rabbit ears onto the headphones!! Anyway the degree show promises to be a culmination of talented people demonstrating what they do best! If you want to come along remember the opening night is Thursday 2nd June and the show is open to the public on Friday 3rd June and Saturday 4th June at the Greenwich Campus.
I'm in your group to mister. Got to stick the boards down thou annoying gotta wait around for ages