Well this week’s blog is really hard to write as its realty hard to top graduating!!! Also I haven’t really been doing much aside from wake up, eat, go to work, get home, eat, and go to sleep, repeat...
Luckily I have approximately 168 (soon to be 170) films which keeps me entertained on those dreary afternoons. Aside from that I have just had two birthdays to go to; one for my sister and one for my dad. So I had to go back to Chatham for the weekend which is luckily not bad for a train journey (40 minutes on a good day). My sister and dad decided to have a joint party thing where we went to our local pub for a Westlife tribute band called Boyzaloud. They actually were pretty good singers but the bass was way too high and the overall backing track was for too loud. Not too sure if it is my sound design background kicking in or my age (getting old- er now! A whole 21, eep!).
It’s always good to get back in touch with family and especially to see my nieces (8 months and 3 years), nephew (6) and little sister (6). Although this weekend I just wanted my alone time as I am in serious need of rest!!! Sadly my family think it’s a good idea to be up at 6am which is an unnatural hour especially for me as I usually sleep in till at least 11. Hey ho.
I have also decided I need to start learning again as my degree was really exciting to do but I found I was learning the same thing and then refining my knowledge to gain expertise. What I want to do is learn more about cultures and religion plus also key skills such as first aid training and the all important driving licence. I also need to start picking up reading again as my spelling is becoming
I think the whole need to learn thing is also stemming from the fact that I can no longer get books out from the university libraries and my bank account has now been transformed into a graduate account! It seems weird to think about it now but three years ago I would never have imagined graduating with a 2:1 degree and going out in the big wide world in the field of computer games. My actual course (Games and Multimedia Technologies) was specifically targeted towards designing games but I am hoping to improve my chances by strengthening my programming side so I have skills in both areas.
If you are looking for a more programming orientated degree then the computing programme is a really good course to take plus it’s also available at foundation level (from one of our partner colleges). Which with the new fees coming into place soon could be a really clever move as the fee for foundation degrees and HNDs will be £6,000 compared to studying two years on a degree course at £8,300 a year. Then just doing the final (top up) year via fast track and paying the higher fees of £8,300 for the final year.
Anyways I am off to go rest and I hope I have not bored you all too much I promise next week I will try to do something exiting to blog about! As always any questions you want answered you can email us at: studentblogger@hotmail.co.uk
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