Hi all,
I am going to start this blog off with education! *yawn*. It dawned on me recently I have hippopotomonstrosesquippediliophobia; which ironically is the fear of long words. Lecturers at university are always telling us to use big words so that we sound more articulated and more intelligent. So this week I have been looking up big words and thought I would share my favourites with you all. Aside from the word above I also liked the word circumbilivagination which basically means to rotate. However my favourite long word I found had to be a Nipmuk (American Indian) lake named Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. The lake was named to convey an agreement between the Nipmuks and their neighbouring tribes. It translates to “You fish on the left side, I’ll fish on the right side, and no one fishes in the middle.”
Where I found these crazy words!!!
Ok that’s my top three long words and now onto what’s been happening this week in my life. This week was the dreaded project pitch week!
Being a third year you have to undertake a big project that goes someway to highlighting how great you are at your course. Therefore we had to present/pitch our project idea to our lecturers to show that we know what we are talking about and that we have done enough research to put us in a good starting position. It also allows them to give us a push in the right direction if need be. Now, I hate public speaking and I feel very awkward even in social situations so this was my idea of a nightmare! I was given lots of tips to help my nerves and to stop myself from freezing up. These tips ranged from preparation to repeating rhymes in my head to drinking water every time I paused for a long time. Anyway I basically went into that room as a nervous wreck who already knew they were doomed to fail. It turns out at the end of the day if you are passionate enough about an area of interest it shows! It also is nice to know that nerves are a great help and not a burden. You see if you are nervous it keeps you on edge and ready to tackle those hard questions. To cut a long story short I was nervous but hey I am confident I passed! On a side note I really, really need to start Christmas shopping!!! Who else is with me?

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