As some of you may have seen on the news recently the protest against the rise in tuition fee costs did not go according to plan. It ended with some angry students climbing onto the roofs of the Tory headquarters and throwing down things such as fire extinguishers. They also decided to smash a number of windows and graffiti the establishment. I have to say that I am disappointed that this has happened as it seems to have taken away the message we was trying to get across. People seem to think that education is a privilege and in reality it is not; it is a basic human right! I have had a number of friends (who have never been to university) remarking that ‘students are stupid’ and ‘clearly the education is not paying off’ all because of the reckless action at the protests. They do not realise that people are going to be angry and i am sure if they were told their tax was due to double, if not triple, they would do more than vandalise property. I think at the end of the day students will still apply for university for the very fact that it is worth the cost. I know I have blogged before that student life is stressful and hard at times but if you don’t work hard for something then is it really worth it?
I actually did not go to the student protest as I was unsure at what they actually were trying to accomplish. I disagree that university funding is going to be cut and disagree that course fees will increase but i also acknowledge that cuts need to be made. I just do not see why they hit the students who are, after all, the investment of the future. It also goes back to students generally getting a hard time. I have often heard people say the students get an easy time and they have the good life etcetera. I do not believe this at all. I know students that work the hardest to get the most out of their course and they work a lot harder than they many people who have a full time job. Also many students, such as me, have part time jobs. I think what I am rambling on about is basically; university is tough but it’s worth the effort!
I also wanted to leave you with this quote which, to me, talks about broadening your mind and listening to all sides of an argument so that you can see the truth:
Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. ~George Bernard Shaw ~
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